More than just waste
With our knowledge, experiences, and equipment we are the source of various additional services your company can benefit from. With them we are proving that we take the extra step to meet the needs of new and existing clients.
Transport of waste
To provide you with the most seamless experience we take care of all the logistics and costs of transport. Collecting the waste directly from your company’s premises is one of the services we are proud to provide for all partners.

XRF precious metals analysis
To price your materials correctly and fairly it is needed to analyze various metal to then understand the chemical compositions. We provide this service in cooperation with our sister company Pikas d.o.o.
Secure disposal of digital media
When it comes to safe disposal there is more than just the materials. Devices contain important data and reliable destruction of it is something we take very seriously.

Weighing bridge
Do you have a truck and would like to find out the weight of the load inside? We are offering the service at little to no cost.

Contact Us
Mon.- Fri. 8:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m.
Mon.- Fri. 7:00 a.m - 3:00 p.m.